Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Mini Digital Collection of Ancient Fans

Fans have existed for at least five thousand years in Egypt, India and China. If fans merely make people cooler, or if they be taken more seriously as manifestations of cultures and tasters?” Does a fan have its secret language? To answer such questions, it is necessary to explore the role that fans have played in the cultural. In fact, fans have been variety of uses through the ages. Early civilizations turned simple fans used for winnowing grain into huge ceremonial standards; later people invested fans with a special status in religious and court rituals. In this collection, I will introduce the initiate, history of fans and some typical fans of east and west counties from seventeenth to nineteenth century.

How did people begin to use a fan? Nobody really knows. May be the first person on this earth who felt too hot, he picked up a palmetto leaf to ‘agitate the air’ and made himself cool down. The word ‘fan’ comes from the Latin word vannus, meaning an instrument for winnowing grain. The sweating laborer could cool him- or her-self, while grain was winnowed by a fan.

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